888 God’s Love for Mankind Knows No Bounds

Verse 1

When you experience God’s work,

you must undergo suffering.

In it are God’s good intentions.

You should see that all God has done

is designed to save people,

and completely embodies His love.

Pre-chorus 1

Whether you look at everything from

the wisdom that is within God’s work,

from the steps and methods in God’s work,

or from the duration of the work,

or His precise arrangement and plans,

it all contains His love.


God never deals with people fast and loose.

His plans are precise; He takes them step by step.

The when, the where, His tone, the way that He speaks,

the effort He puts forth, all of this reveals His love.

God’s love for man knows no bounds.

Verse 2

People love their sons and daughters;

they have all put forth great effort,

so their children may walk the right path.

When children’s weaknesses are found,

parents worry if they speak softly,

their children won’t hear, won’t change.

Pre-chorus 2

They worry if they speak too sternly,

their children’s self-esteem will be hurt.

This makes them worry that the children

will not be able to bear it all.

This is all done out of love;

much effort goes with that.


God never deals with people fast and loose.

His plans are precise; He takes them step by step.

The when, the where, His tone, the way that He speaks,

the effort He puts forth, all of this reveals His love.

God’s love for man knows no bounds.

Verse 3

You’re sons and daughters yourselves,

so you may have experienced

the love that your parents can give.

Love is not merely gentleness,

nor merely consideration;

even more, it means strict chastening.


Everything God does for mankind

is done out of love for mankind

and under love’s precondition,

which is why He does His utmost

to bring corrupt humanity

salvation, salvation, salvation!


God never deals with people fast and loose.

His plans are precise; He takes them step by step.

The when, the where, His tone, the way that He speaks,

the effort He puts forth, all of this reveals His love.

God’s love for man knows no bounds.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 3. The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days. Do You Know God’s Love for Mankind?

Previous: 887 God Silently Provides for Everyone

Next: 889 Since God Saves Man, He Will Save Them Completely

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