139 The Difference Between God’s Work and Man’s Work

Verse 1

The work God does Himself

involves all mankind’s work

and represents the work of the entire era.

This means that God’s own work

represents every dynamic

and every trend of work of the Holy Spirit.

Verse 2

The apostles’ work

comes after God’s own work

and follows after it,

and does not lead the era,

nor does it represent any of the trends

of the Spirit’s work in the entire era.


They only do the work man ought to do.

This has nothing to do with God’s management.


The work God does Himself

is a project of the management work.

The work that humans do

is just the duty of those who are used,

and is not a part of the management work,

it is not a part of the management work.

Verse 3

Despite the fact both

are the Holy Spirit’s work,

due to differences in identities

and what each represents,

the work of God Himself

and the work of man are simply worlds apart.


The extent of the Holy Spirit’s work

varies on objects with different identities.

These are the scope and the principles

of the work of the Holy Spirit.


The work God does Himself

is a project of the management work.

The work that humans do

is just the duty of those who are used,

and is not a part of the management work,

it is not a part of the management work.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Work and Man’s Work

Previous: 138 Man Must Testify to God in Each Stage of His Work

Next: 140 God Takes Different Names to Represent Different Ages

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