508 Focus on Practicing Truth to Be Perfected

Verse 1

If you’re artless, open and know yourself

and put the truth into practice,

God will certainly bless you,

so when you are weak and negative,

then He enlightens you doubly,

helps you to know yourself more deeply,

more able to repent yourself,

to practice what you should practice.

Only this way can your heart

find peace and be at ease.


When God perfects you, He enlightens you

by using the desirable part of you

so that you have a path to practice,

can be separate from all that’s negative,

attaining release for your spirit,

making you more able to love Him.

This is the way you are able

to throw off the corruption of Satan.

Verse 2

One who focuses on their practice,

on knowing God, knowing themselves,

will often be able to receive

God’s work, guidance and enlightenment.

Even though such a person may be

in a negative state of mind,

they can turn things round immediately

due to conscience or God’s words’ enlightenment.

Verse 3

Change in a person’s disposition

is achieved when they know their own state

and when they know the disposition

and the work of the Creator.

A person willing to open up

and know themselves can practice the truth.

They understand God and are loyal,

whether they understand little or much.

This is God’s righteousness,

and it is their own gain.


When God perfects you, He enlightens you

by using the desirable part of you

so that you have a path to practice,

can be separate from all that’s negative,

attaining release for your spirit,

making you more able to love Him.

This is the way you are able

to throw off the corruption of Satan.


One who has knowledge of God

has a basis and has vision.

They are certain about God’s flesh, God’s work, God’s word.

No matter how God works or speaks,

or how others cause disturbance,

this person can stand their ground and stand witness for God.


When God perfects you, He enlightens you

by using the desirable part of you

so that you have a path to practice,

can be separate from all that’s negative,

attaining release for your spirit,

making you more able to love Him.

This is the way you are able

to throw off the corruption of Satan.


The more knowledge a person has of God,

the more they can perform the truth they understand.

As they’re always practicing God’s word,

they know God better and wish to stand witness forever, forever.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Only Those Who Focus on Practice Can Be Perfected

Previous: 507 Only by Living Out Reality Can You Bear Witness

Next: 509 People Gained by God Possess the Reality of Truth

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