73. The Principles of Expulsion From the Church

(1) Evil people who do not at all love or accept the truth, and who are even capable of causing frequent disruptions to church life, must be expelled;

(2) Those whose understanding is absurd, who are particularly arrogant, and who often harbor notions and misunderstandings toward God and pass their judgments on Him, must face expulsion;

(3) Those with a constant ambition to control God’s chosen people by fomenting dissatisfaction with leaders and workers belong to the category of antichrists and must face expulsion;

(4) All manner of nonbelievers and evil people who cannot in the least accept the truth or being pruned and dealt with, and who are, moreover, capable of multifarious acts of evil, must be expelled;

(5) Those who are possessed by demons or in whom evil spirits are at work, and who, moreover, frequently spread falsehoods, deceiving others and disrupting church life, must be expelled;

(6) Those who frequently misappropriate or are profligate with offerings to God and who, under a variety of pretexts, covet offerings to Him, must, in all serious cases, be expelled;

(7) One proven by evidence to have engaged often in romantic affairs and promiscuity, and to have been particularly wicked, thereby exerting an extremely bad influence on others, and who, despite repeated expostulation, refuses to change their ways must be expelled;

(8) False leaders and antichrists who commit serious violations of work arrangements and go rogue, causing disorder in the church and ensnaring God’s chosen people, must be expelled;

(9) Any who would betray the Lord or their fellows and ensnare the church in service to the great red dragon, regardless of their prior records of performance, must face expulsion;

(10) If a person is to be expelled, the church must have adequate evidence that is entirely consistent with the facts, and a majority of members must concur.

Relevant Words of God:

In the nation of the great red dragon, I have carried out a stage of work unfathomable to human beings, causing them to sway in the wind, after which many quietly drift away with the blowing of the wind. Truly, this is the “threshing floor” I am about to clear; it is what I yearn for and it is also My plan. For many wicked ones have crept in while I am at work, but I am in no hurry to drive them away. Rather, I shall disperse them when the time is right. Only after that shall I be the fountain of life, allowing those who truly love Me to receive from Me the fruit of the fig tree and the fragrance of the lily. In the land where Satan sojourns, the land of dust, there remains no pure gold, only sand, and so, meeting with these circumstances, I do such a stage of work. You should know that what I gain is pure, refined gold, not sand. How can the wicked remain in My house? How can I allow foxes to be parasites in My paradise? I employ every conceivable method to drive these things away. Before My will is revealed, no one is aware of what I am about to do. Taking this opportunity, I drive away those wicked ones, and they are forced to leave My presence. This is what I do to the wicked, but there will still be a day for them to do service for Me.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. The Seven Thunders Peal—Prophesying That the Gospel of the Kingdom Shall Spread Throughout the Universe

My planned work keeps pressing forward without a moment’s surcease. Having moved into the Age of Kingdom, and having carried you into My kingdom as My people, I will have other demands to make of you; that is to say, I will begin to promulgate before you the constitution with which I will govern this era:

Since you are called My people, you should be able to glorify My name; that is, stand testimony in the midst of trial. If anyone attempts to wheedle Me and conceal the truth from Me, or engage in disreputable dealings behind My back, such people will, without exception, be chased out and removed from My house to wait for Me to deal with them. Those who have been unfaithful and unfilial to Me in the past, and who rise up again today to judge Me openly—they, too, will be chased out of My house. Those who are My people must constantly show consideration for My burdens as well as seek to know My words. Only people like this will I enlighten, and they will surely live under My guidance and enlightenment, never meeting with chastisement. Those who, failing to show consideration for My burdens, concentrate on planning for their own futures—that is, those who do not aim with their actions to satisfy My heart, but rather who look for handouts—these beggar-like creatures I absolutely refuse to use, because from the time they were born, they have known nothing of what it means to show consideration for My burdens. They are people who lack normal sense; such people are suffering from “malnutrition” of the brain, and need to go home for some “nourishment.” I have no use for such people. Among My people, everyone will be required to regard knowing Me as an obligatory duty to be seen through to the end, like eating, dressing, and sleeping, something that one never forgets about for a moment, so that in the end, knowing Me will become as familiar as eating—something you do effortlessly, with a practiced hand. As for the words I speak, every single one must be taken with the utmost faith and fully assimilated; there can be no perfunctory half-measures. Anyone who does not pay attention to My words will be regarded as directly resisting Me; anyone who does not eat of My words, or does not seek to know them, will be regarded as not paying attention to Me, and will directly be swept out the door of My house. This is because, as I have said in the past, what I want is not a great number of people, but excellence. Out of a hundred people, if only one is able to know Me through My words, then I will willingly throw away all the others to focus on enlightening and illuminating this single one. From this you can see that it is not necessarily true that greater numbers alone can manifest Me and live Me out. What I want is wheat (even though the kernels may not be full) and not tares (even when the kernels are full enough to be admired). As for those who give no regard to seeking, but who instead behave in a slack manner, they should leave of their own accord; I do not wish to see them anymore, lest they continue to bring disgrace to My name. Regarding what I require of My people, I will stop at these precepts for now, and will wait to make further sanctions, depending on how circumstances change.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 5

Now, as soon as possible, I wish to make a group of people who are after My heart, a group of people who are able to be considerate of My burdens. However, I cannot refrain from cleansing and purifying My church; the church is My heart. I despise all the evil people who prevent you from eating and drinking of My word. This is because there are some other people who do not truly want Me. These people are full of deceit, they do not get close to Me with their true heart; they are evil, and they are people who obstruct the carrying out of My will; they are not people who put the truth into practice. These people are full of self-righteousness and arrogance, they are wildly ambitious, they love to be condescending, and though the words they speak are pleasant to hear, in secret they do not practice the truth. These evil people shall all be cut off and swept away; they shall languish amid disaster.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 24

Those among brothers and sisters who are always giving vent to their negativity are lackeys of Satan, and they disturb the church. Such people must one day be expelled and eliminated. In their belief in God, if people do not have a heart of reverence for God, if they do not have a heart of obedience toward God, then not only will they be unable to do any work for Him, but on the contrary will become those who disturb His work and who defy Him. Believing in God but not obeying or revering Him, and instead resisting Him, is the greatest disgrace for a believer. If believers are just as casual and unrestrained in their speech and conduct as unbelievers are, then they are even more evil than unbelievers; they are archetypal demons. Those who give vent to their poisonous, malicious talk within the church, who spread rumors, foment disharmony, and form cliques among the brothers and sisters—they should have been expelled from the church. Yet because now is a different era of God’s work, these people are restricted, for they face certain elimination. All who have been corrupted by Satan have corrupt dispositions. Some have nothing more than corrupt dispositions, while others are different: Not only do they have corrupt satanic dispositions, but their nature is also extremely malicious. Not only do their words and actions reveal their corrupt, satanic dispositions; these people are, moreover, the genuine devil Satan. Their behavior interrupts and disturbs God’s work, it impairs the brothers’ and sisters’ entry into life, and it damages the normal life of the church. Sooner or later, these wolves in sheep’s clothing must be cleared out; an unsparing attitude, an attitude of rejection, should be adopted toward these lackeys of Satan. Only this is standing on the side of God, and those who fail to do so are wallowing in the mire with Satan. People who genuinely believe in God always have Him in their hearts, and they always carry within them a God-revering heart, a God-loving heart. Those who believe in God should do things cautiously and prudently, and all that they do should be in accordance with God’s requirements and able to satisfy His heart. They should not be headstrong, doing whatever they please; that does not befit saintly propriety. People must not run amok, waving the flag of God all over the place while swaggering and swindling everywhere; this is the most rebellious sort of conduct. Families have their rules, and nations have their laws—and isn’t it even more so in the house of God? Aren’t the standards even stricter? Aren’t there even more administrative decrees? People are free to do what they want, but the administrative decrees of God cannot be altered at will. God is a God who does not tolerate offense from humans; He is a God who puts people to death. Do people really not know this already?

Every church has people who cause trouble for the church or meddle in the work of God. They are all Satans who have infiltrated the house of God in disguise. Such people are good at acting: They come before Me with great reverence, bowing and scraping, living like mangy dogs, and devoting their “all” to achieve their own objectives—but in front of the brothers and sisters, they show their ugly side. When they see people who practice the truth, they strike out at them and shove them aside; when they see people more formidable than themselves, they flatter and fawn upon them. They run wild in the church. It can be said that such “local bullies,” such “lapdogs,” exist in the majority of churches. They act devilishly together, sending each other winks and secret signals, and none of them practices the truth. Whoever has the most venom is the “head demon,” and whoever has the highest prestige leads them, bearing their flag aloft. These people rampage through the church, spreading their negativity, venting death, doing as they please, saying what they please, and no one dares to stop them. They brim with the disposition of Satan. No sooner do they cause a disturbance than an air of death enters the church. Those within the church who practice the truth are cast out, unable to give their all, while those who disturb the church and spread death run rampage within—and, what’s more, most people follow them. Such churches are ruled by Satan, plain and simple; the devil is their king. If the congregants do not rise up and reject the head demons, then they, too, will sooner or later come to ruin. From now on, measures must be taken against such churches. If those who are capable of practicing a little of the truth do not seek to, then that church will be expunged. If a church contains no one who is willing to practice the truth and no one who can stand witness for God, then that church should be completely isolated, and its connections with other churches must be severed. This is called “burying death”; this is what it means to cast out Satan. If a church contains several local bullies, and they are followed by “little flies” that entirely lack discernment, and if the congregants, even after having seen the truth, are still incapable of rejecting the binds and manipulation of these bullies, then all those fools will be eliminated in the end. These little flies might not have done anything terrible, but they are even more deceitful, even more slick and evasive, and everyone like this will be eliminated. Not a single one shall remain! Those who belong to Satan will be returned to Satan, while those who belong to God will surely go in search of the truth; this is decided by their natures. Let all those who follow Satan perish! No pity will be shown to such people. Let those who search for the truth be provided for, and may they take pleasure in God’s word to their hearts’ content. God is righteous; He would not show favoritism to anyone. If you are a devil, then you are incapable of practicing the truth; if you are someone who searches for the truth, then it is certain that you will not be taken captive by Satan. This is beyond all doubt.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth

Some people are always showing off in front of Me so as to earn My approval, they are always trying to deceive Me by being one way to My face, and another behind My back. Such people are demons, I want them as far away from Me as possible, I never wish to see them again. When people are weak and lacking, I can support and provide for them; if you have a corrupt disposition, I can fellowship the truth with you. But I do not truck with demons, I do not listen to them and their excuses. At the start, when we have just met, you are a new believer, there are some truths you do not understand, and you are liable to do and say stupid things. So we fellowship the truth. But if you do understand certain truths, and yet make trouble out of nothing, if you always contradict Me and split hairs with Me, then I will not be so polite. Why? You are not someone who can be saved, so why should I be polite to you? Being polite means being tolerant and patient. I am patient with those who are foolish, with ordinary corrupt people—not with enemies and demons. If demons and enemies pretend to say nice things to win you over and deceive you, to bring you fleeting happiness, can you believe the things they say? (No.) Why? Their true colors have already been revealed; in a single thing, their essence was laid bare, they were exposed. Such people could never pursue the truth, much less love the truth. They are the enemy of the truth, they loathe and detest it. They are devils. Would expelling them not solve the problem once and for all? Some people ask, “Can’t they be given some leeway?” Such people have no chance of repentance, they could never repent. They are no different from Satan—which, regardless of the omnipotence and wisdom of God, does not think this is the essence God should have, and does not treat God as God; it believes its insidious schemes are wisdom, that its nature and essence are the truth, and that God is not the truth. And so it’s over for it; it is doomed to be in enmity to God until the very end. Thus, those who are evil are destined to never love the truth, and to never pursue the truth, and so God does not save them. Removing them from the churches and expelling them from the house of God is the most correct decision, and not in the slightest bit mistaken.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. They Do Their Duty Only to Distinguish Themselves and Feed Their Own Interests and Ambitions; They Never Consider the Interests of God’s House, and Even Sell Those Interests Out in Exchange for Personal Glory (Part Five)

Why does God’s house expel antichrists? Can God’s house retain them as service-doers? Can God’s house give them an opportunity to repent? (No.) What if they can still pursue the truth? (Impossible.) It’s clear now that antichrists are wicked people, they belong to Satan, and it’s impossible for them to repent, so God’s house can only expel them. Those who are expelled have been tolerated time and again by God’s house. God’s house has given them chances to repent and has not closed the door on them, making the effort not to wrong a good person, not to ruin someone’s life of faith in God, not to ruin anyone. Before someone’s nature is completely clear, before someone is completely revealed, God’s house is tolerant with everyone. But, can an antichrist repent? No, they cannot. In God’s house, they serve as Satan’s lackeys. They destroy, disrupt, and disturb the work of God’s house. Even if they have some gifts or talents, it’s impossible for them to perform their duties properly or walk the right path. Even if there are ways in which an antichrist can be useful, in no way can they make positive contributions to God’s work in God’s house. They are capable of nothing positive but destruction, disruption, and causing problems. They do nothing good. You can allow them to stay and observe them, give them a chance to repent, but it’s impossible for them to repent, and ultimately the only way to handle them is to expel them. Before such people are expelled, God’s house has already seen through them clearly: They are antichrists. They would rather die than repent, and they are enemies of God and the truth, so all that can be done is to expel them. Would God’s house expel a good person? If someone can accept the truth and repent, would God’s house expel them? At most, their duties would be changed or they would be sent for spiritual devotion and reflection, not expelled. When God’s house decides to expel someone, it means that keeping them in God’s house can only lead to more problems. They do nothing positive, and instead do all sorts of bad things and cause all kinds of disruption and disturbance. There is disorder and disunity wherever they are. Work stagnates, most people around them become depressed and lose faith in God, and some people even don’t want to believe anymore, and don’t want to continue in their duties. So, what is the reason? Everything goes back to the antichrist. Once they are expelled, most people gradually start to improve. So, make your own observations, and see who among the antichrists and wicked that were expelled later came to know themselves, and were able to pursue and love the truth? Did they repent? None of them repent, they stubbornly refuse to confess their sins, and they remain that way even if you see them years later. They still refuse to let go of what happened years before, debating and trying to vindicate themselves, with absolutely no change in their disposition. If you accept them back and allow them to resume church life and perform a duty, just like Paul, they go right back to their old ways. They don’t follow the path of pursuing the truth at all, they continue to walk their old path, the path of the antichrist, the path of Paul. This is the reason that antichrists are expelled.

—“They Do Their Duty Only to Distinguish Themselves and Feed Their Own Interests and Ambitions; They Never Consider the Interests of God’s House, and Even Sell Those Interests Out in Exchange for Personal Glory (Part Eight)” in Exposing Antis

The majority of people have committed transgressions. For example, some have resisted God, some have rebelled against Him, some have spoken words of complaint against Him, and others have done things that were detrimental to the church or that did damage to God’s house. How should these people be treated? Their outcomes will be determined according to their natures and their consistent behavior. Some people are wicked, some are foolish, some are silly, and some are beasts. Everyone is different. Some wicked people are possessed by evil spirits, while others are the lackeys of the devil Satan. With regard to their natures, some are particularly sinister, some are particularly deceitful, some are especially greedy when it comes to money, and others enjoy being sexually promiscuous. Every person’s behavior is different, so people should all be viewed comprehensively in accordance with their individual natures and behavior. … God handles each person according to the environment and context at the time, the actual situation, the person’s actions, and the person’s behavior and expressions. God will never wrong anyone. This is God’s righteousness.

—“On What Basis Does God Treat People?” in Records of Talks of Christ of the Last Days

Sermon and Fellowship Excerpts for Reference:

Cleaning up the church must begin with expelling the five types of people who must be expelled. All the antichrist demons that always disturb the church work and create chaos must be thoroughly expelled in order to calm public outrage and appease God. Below is an explicit explanation of the five kinds of people that must be expelled:

1. Those who truly belong to the group of people who are possessed by demons or have the serious work of evil spirits must be expelled. This is never a mistake. All homosexuals who do not repent are possessed by demons. It is only natural that they should be expelled as well. Those who only have a slight amount of the work of evil spirits should be treated differently. For example, those who have occasionally spoken in tongues, seen visions, heard voices or had dreams, etc. They do not belong to the group that are possessed by demons. If these people pursue the truth, they can surely be saved. Therefore, it is absolutely not permitted to expel those who have a slight amount of the work of evil spirits. Those who are publicly known to be possessed by demons, including those who clearly have the work of evil spirits, can be expelled.

2. Those who truly belong to the category of false Christs and antichrists that deceive people must be expelled. This is never a mistake. All those who always think that they themselves are the firstborn sons or beloved sons of God and make people accept and submit to them, all those who bear witness that they themselves are Christ or have been sent by God to do new work, all those who refuse the guidance of the man used by the Holy Spirit and do otherwise, all those who frequently judge God’s work, speak blasphemies against God and start rumors that disparage and attack the man that the Holy Spirit uses, and all those that receive the work of evil spirits, and have boarded that pirate ship and begun to deceive people, are false Christs, antichrists, and deceivers. Some people only have a few notions when it comes to God or have a few biases when it comes to the man that the Holy Spirit uses, but they do not have a hostile heart and are able to pursue the truth and obey all of God’s work, and truly repent. Even if this kind of person occasionally says or does something wrong, they absolutely must not be treated like an antichrist and be expelled. Those who are true antichrists want to control God’s chosen people and set up an independent kingdom. There are those that do not follow the work arrangements from the Above when they do work and instead, do something entirely different or even reject the work arrangements, sermons and fellowships from the Above based on the excuse that they are suspicious of whether these arrangements, sermons and fellowships are true or not. They firmly control God’s chosen people in their own hands. They reject the centralized watering, provisions, and shepherding of the Above. Such people are pure antichrists. This is without a doubt. Such leaders and workers must be replaced. The more serious ones must be expelled.

3. Those that truly belong to the group of people that are Judas and sell out their Lord and fellow believers and serve on behalf of Satan to capture their brothers and sisters must be expelled. This is never a mistake. If someone, after having been captured, confesses only a little bit of information but does not help Satan monitor or capture their brothers and sisters, and if that person has performed relatively well in the past and shown repentance, then they should not be expelled. Isolate them for three to five months so they can reflect on themselves. If there is no huge problem, then they can be reinstated into church life. For someone whose humanity is bad and who in the past has not done any good deeds, if they have been captured and they become a Judas, then they can be expelled. If they have become an accomplice of Satan and they do service for the great red dragon and help it to monitor and arrest the brothers and sisters, this person must be expelled. It is never wrong to expel these kinds of people who betray God and serve as Satan’s accomplice to harm God’s chosen people.

4. Those who are truly evil people must be expelled. This is never wrong. There are the following types of evil people: There are those who persistently disrupt church life, form gangs, sow dissension, and break apart the church—these are rotten apples who cannot get along with others and whom everyone detests; another type of evil people includes those who are apt to sue the church or its leaders—such people are capable of doing all sorts of bad things; another group includes those who consistently commit adultery, refuse to repent, and negatively influence people; and lastly, there are those who, in order to protect their personal status, are capable of recklessly suppressing and entrapping God’s chosen people, and even of casually expelling others, and who are categorized as antichrists. These kinds of people are truly evil people. Only those who have been publicly acknowledged and determined by everyone in the church to be evil should be expelled. As for people who have only done an evil deed once, committed a transgression, or committed an offense against a leader, people in such situations must not be expelled as evil people. Committing an evil action once belongs to the same category as a transgression. This does not mean that the person is evil. Only those who do many and varied evils are evil people. If someone has committed a transgression, as long as they are capable of repentance, they still have a hope of being saved. Such a person absolutely should not be expelled. Only those who are publicly known to be evil people should be expelled.

5. Those who squander, steal, misappropriate, and defraud the church of God’s offerings must be expelled. Doing so is never wrong. All those who squander, misappropriate, and defraud the church of God’s offerings, or hand those offerings over to evil spirits, antichrists, or wicked people, or see that such offerings are in danger but do not deal with the situation promptly, leading to huge losses for the house of God, can be categorized as people who steal offerings. Such people must all be expelled. Those, in particular, who have embezzled large sums of money from God’s house must be expelled, and must also be chased down to repay their debts and reimburse the church for any expenses caused. If someone has used money improperly and is thus criticized by everyone, this is a transgression and should be dealt with differently. An opportunity for repentance should be given to this individual. This is the appropriate way of dealing with such a situation.

The five kinds of people listed above are the sorts that the church must expel. All those who fall into these categories are people eliminated by God’s work because they are irredeemable. Not only would such people be completely useless if they remained in God’s house, but they would cause endless trouble, because they do not possess humanity, do not have the slightest bit of reverence for God, and are entirely of Satan’s ilk. Although what these people do is similar to the expression of corruption outwardly, they are not people who really believe in God, much less people who love and pursue the truth, and they are not in the category of people who will be saved by God. As stated in God’s words: “All who have been corrupted by Satan have corrupt dispositions. Some have nothing more than corrupt dispositions, while others are different: Not only do they have corrupt satanic dispositions, but their nature is also extremely malicious. Not only do their words and actions reveal their corrupt, satanic dispositions; these people are, moreover, the genuine devil Satan” (The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth), God’s chosen people must know how to discern the real devil Satan. People who genuinely believe in God and the devil Satan both show manifestations of having a corrupt disposition, but what is the essential difference between them? This is a question God’s chosen people must fathom. As for people who genuinely believe in God, after they believe for a few years and begin to understand the truth, they can gain some knowledge of their own corrupt dispositions and achieve some reverence for God. Even if they might not have any real understanding of the truth, they cannot do things that are obviously evil and are in opposition to God. Moreover, when they are faced with being pruned and dealt with, judged and chastised, or tried and refined, they can know themselves and feel genuine remorse, and they are able to hate themselves, despise Satan, and undergo some genuine repentance and change. This is evidence that people who truly believe in God can be saved. Let’s then look at the devil Satan. They never accept the truth or self-reflect to know themselves regardless of how much evil they commit or how much pruning and dealing they face. The word “repentance” has never existed in their dictionary. This is the difference between the nature essence of real devil Satan and that of corrupted people who can pursue the truth. If God’s chosen people can distinguish them like this, then they will know which people can be saved and which are the real devil Satan and are beyond saving.

—Work Arrangements

Previous: 72. The Principles of Church Purges

Next: 74. The Principles of Approaching One’s Duty

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