66. The Principles of Readjusting Leaders and Workers

(1) Any elected leader or worker who is unable to do practical work or resolve practical problems should be summarily readjusted and replaced;

(2) Any false leader or worker who does not accept the truth, does not possess the work of the Holy Spirit, and cannot do practical work must be replaced, and arrangements must be made for them elsewhere;

(3) Inappropriate arrangements for a leader or worker—those that squander their talents on too small a task, or squander a task on their inadequate talent—should be readjusted as appropriate, in light of their stature and strengths;

(4) Once a leader’s or worker’s work has been arranged, they should be subjected to inspection, investigation, and supervision; if the arrangement is found to be a poor fit, they must be readjusted as appropriate.

Relevant Words of God:

Those who can lead churches, supply people with life, and be apostles to the people must have actual experience; they must have a correct understanding of spiritual things and a correct appreciation and experience of the truth. Only such people are qualified to be workers or apostles who lead the churches. Otherwise, they can only follow as the least and cannot lead, much less be apostles who are able to supply people with life. This is because the function of apostles is not to rush about or to fight; it is to do the work of ministering life and leading others in transforming their dispositions. Those who perform this function are commissioned to shoulder a heavy responsibility, one that not just anyone can shoulder. This kind of work can only be undertaken by those with life being, that is, those who have experience of the truth. It cannot be undertaken by merely anyone who can renounce, who can rush about, or who is willing to expend themselves; people who have no experience of the truth, who have not been pruned or judged, are unable to do this type of work. People with no experience, who are people without reality, are unable to see reality clearly because they themselves are without this kind of being. So, this type of person is not only unable to do leadership work, but, if they remain without the truth for a long while, they will become an object of elimination.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. God’s Work and Man’s Work

Many people behind My back covet the benefits of status, they gorge themselves on food, they love to sleep and give every care to the flesh, always afraid that there is no way out for the flesh. They do not perform their proper function in the church, but freeload off the church, or else they admonish their brothers and sisters with My words, lording themselves over others from positions of authority. These people keep saying they are doing God’s will and always say they are God’s intimates—is this not absurd? If you have the right intentions, but are unable to serve in accordance with God’s will, then you are being foolish; but if your intentions are not right, and you still say you serve God, then you are someone who opposes God, and you ought to be punished by God! I have no sympathy for such people! In the house of God, they freeload, always coveting the comforts of the flesh, and give no consideration to the interests of God. They always seek what is good for them, and they pay no heed to God’s will. They do not accept the scrutiny of God’s Spirit in anything they do. They are always maneuvering and deceiving their brothers and sisters, and being two-faced, like a fox in a vineyard, always stealing grapes and trampling over the vineyard. Could such people be God’s intimates? Are you fit to receive God’s blessings? You take no burden for your life and the church, are you fit to receive God’s commission? Who would dare trust someone like you? When you serve like this, could God dare to entrust you with a greater task? Would this not cause delays to the work?

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. How to Serve in Harmony With God’s Will

Some false leaders are gluttonous and idle, loving of leisure and loathsome of labor, averse to work and worry, ill-disposed to exertion or responsibility; they wish only for comfort, they love to eat and play, and they are lazy. In the morning, when everyone has finished breakfast, they are still in bed; in the evening, they watch their TV dramas until they can barely keep their eyes open, still up when everyone’s asleep. They spend all day eating, playing, and drifting about; they go wherever there is fun to be had, or play on whatever machine looks entertaining. Say a brother cook cannot stand it and reprimands them. What do you think, would they listen to a cook? (No.) If I said, “You have to be more diligent. You must do what you ought. You are a leader and must be present for all work, no matter what it is; when other people work for eight hours, you must be there for a minimum of six-and-a-half or seven hours. You can spend the remaining time attending to personal affairs,” would they listen? They would not. So, I say nothing to such people—I simply tell the decision-making group to replace them, to get rid of them, to send them wherever necessary, to get them doing whatever they are able. If they are trash and would freeload wherever they were, and are not capable of anything, then kick them out; do not allow them to perform a duty. They are not fit to perform a duty. They are not people; they do not possess the conscience and sense of normal humanity, and they are shameless. With this shiftless sort of false leader, as soon as you have seen through them, replace them at once. There is no need to give them counsel, no need to give them more chances or put them under observation, nor is there any point in fellowshiping the truth to them. Have they heard little of the truth? Would they change if they were dealt with and pruned? No. Were one of poor caliber, or at times absurd in their point of view, or ignorant and narrow-minded in the way they see things, but still diligent, burden-bearing, and not lazy—such a person, though deviant in their actions, can change by being dealt with and pruned; at the very least, they are aware of the responsibilities of leadership and know what they are supposed to do, and they have conscience and a sense of responsibility. They have a heart. But that kind of person who is lazy, loving idleness and hating labor, who has no sense of burden—they cannot change. If they have no sense of burden, whatever anyone says will have no effect.

—The Word, Vol. 5. Identifying False Leaders (4)

A false leader is a leader of low caliber, who when reporting a problem, offers only nonsense and confusion. They consider it thus: “There, you see, I’ve given you enough information, I’ve talked and talked and talked about years past and yet to come, and said just about everything possible, so have you worked out what I am trying to get at?” No matter how you guide them, what you ask them, how you check up on them, they never know what to say, can never get to the heart of the matter. They do not lack the words, they are not uncultured, but are of low caliber, brainless, lacking power of expression, with confusion in their heart, and unable to explain anything with clarity. They have some burdens and will gain some understanding about some matters with time, but they do not know how to express this, and fail to get to the essence of the matter, much less generalize or summarize things. Can someone exhibiting such a poor caliber of leadership actually work at all? Can they fulfill the obligations of a leader or worker? No, they can’t. Give them some time, give them a chance to report a problem, let them explain it, and they still won’t manage to. Can you have a dialogue with such a person? Can you make use of them? (No.) Why can’t you make use of them? They can’t even speak properly, so what work can they do? They might have a few strengths, be sincere, have a certain amount of loyalty, a sense of responsibility, and mean well, but their overall caliber is too low, not just averagely bad, and they cannot be taught. When you try to teach them, you get irritated and angry straight away, and when you hear them speak, you worry and get flustered and confused, and you can’t make sense of what they are saying, or understand what they want to say, and you are unable to conduct a dialogue with them. They don’t even have the minimum inherent mastery of human language to express ideas, thoughts, and attitudes, so how can they work? Yet they still think that they have some ability, some skills, are capable of working, feel that they are in the right, are loyal and spiritual, wish to expend themselves, to pay the price, and to endure hardship in performing their duty. Do these qualities all display that they have what it takes to be a leader or worker? Although truth reigns in God’s house, and the word of God holds sway, a lot of specific work tasks need people to deal with them and coordinate them; they need people actually to follow them up and solve them. These matters can’t simply be solved by someone saying “I am willing” or “I agree”; they are not solved by mere good intentions or the will to endure hardship. People don’t live in a vacuum, so they don’t work or do their duty in a vacuum either. If a person becomes a leader or worker, but their caliber is so low that they can’t even express themselves in speech, are they really going to be competent? (They are not.) What does being incompetent imply? It implies not being able to identify difficulties and problems with work in good time, and of course implies that whatever problem occurs during work, they won’t be able to solve it promptly. If they cannot solve it promptly, can they report it and seek guidance promptly? As for people of low caliber, this work merely increases their difficulties, and is completely beyond their abilities, like herding cats; it is too much effort.

—The Word, Vol. 5. Identifying False Leaders (8)

Part of the obligations of leaders and workers is knowing what’s going on with different work supervisors and the staff responsible for important work. So, who are these personnel? The most fundamental are church leaders, followed by group supervisors and team leaders. Some are responsible for specialized tasks, and some are responsible for other things. Different work supervisors and staff responsible for important work: Is their effect on the work of the house of God critical, and of great importance? (Yes.) So, is it appropriate to include this in the obligations of leaders and workers? (Yes.) Gaining an accurate understanding of the situation of the main supervisors in charge of different work, and making suitable adjustments, is like standing guard over each work program. It is the equivalent of fulfilling one’s responsibility and duty. However, if these personnel are not correctly arrayed and a problem arises, the work of the church will be greatly impacted. If these personnel are of good humanity and dependable, and, even better, are able to pursue the truth and possess a foundation, then putting them in charge, handing this work over to them, will make things a lot easier. What is important is that the work can progress smoothly and is highly effective and efficient. But if the supervisor is not dependable, and is of poor character and low humanity—and, furthermore, does not pursue the truth, and is liable to cause disturbance—then they are not the only ones who will be harmed. Because they are in charge, the personnel within their scope of work and the work itself will be affected, either to a large or small degree. If they are merely unserious or neglectful of their obligations, this could cause delays in the work; the speed of progress will be somewhat slower, and the work somewhat less efficient. If they are an antichrist, however, the problem is serious: This is not a problem of the work being a little inefficient and ineffective—they will damage, disturb, and paralyze the work as a whole. And so, such work is not an obligation that leaders and workers can dodge—it is work that is very serious and important. If leaders and workers can keep abreast of the humanity of various supervisors and major personnel, and their attitude toward the truth, as well as their state and condition at every stage and can promptly adjust or address these things according to the circumstances, then work can process steadily. On the contrary, if these people run amok and do not do real work, and the leaders are not prompt in identifying this and making adjustments, and end up waiting until the work is severely impaired and all manner of clear problems have already been exposed before identifying them and slowly trying to adjust, rectify, and redeem the situation, then such leaders have utterly failed in their obligations. They are false leaders.

—The Word, Vol. 5. Identifying False Leaders (3)

The type of person who is a false leader does not do real work, and is incapable of doing real work. Their caliber is poor, their eyes and heart are blind, they are incapable of discovering problems, and cannot see through various kinds of people, so they are unable to undertake the important work of promoting and cultivating various types of competent talent, which also wreaks significant harm on the work of the house of God, and has an impact on the entry into life of different people, forming an obstacle to their entry. False leaders are manifestly unqualified to do this work. There are also certain false leaders who do not get involved in specific work, who keep a distance from those in charge of specific work, and thus have no idea what work different sorts of people can undertake, and whether they carry out various work properly, and according to principle. Partly, this is laziness, and partly, it is poor caliber, leading to false leaders being incapable of doing real work. With them, specific work cannot move forward; it gets mired in stagnation and paralysis, resulting in poor work efficiency. This is all directly connected to false leaders promoting and cultivating the wrong people. For the past several years, the house of God has stressed, over and over, that the wicked and the nonbelievers must be purged and the false leaders and false workers replaced. Why must the various wicked people and nonbelievers be purged? Because after years of believing in God, these people still do not accept the truth at all, and are now beyond hope of salvation. And why must all false leaders and false workers be replaced? Because they do not do real work, and never promote or cultivate those who pursue the truth, causing the work of the church to be thrown into chaos, with too many who disrupt and interrupt, and even slowing the life entry of God’s chosen ones. Once these nonbelievers and wicked people are purged, and the false leaders and false workers are replaced, the life of the church is much better, God’s chosen ones are able to eat and drink the words of God and perform their duty normally, and set foot on the right track of faith in God. This is what God wishes to see.

—The Word, Vol. 5. Identifying False Leaders (5)

Previous: 65. The Principles of Admitting Responsibility and Resigning

Next: 67. The Principles of Recalling Leaders and Workers

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