69. The Principles of Separating the Church Into Groups A and B

(1) Any person who does not accept the truth in the least, who is unwilling to perform their duty, and who is capable of disrupting church life must be relegated to the B-group congregation;

(2) Any deceitful people who delight in idle gossip, driving wedges between people, and sowing discord are rotten apples, and must be relegated to the B-group congregation;

(3) People with serious or special problems that, for the moment, are obscure and whose essences cannot yet be determined should be placed in the B-group congregation;

(4) Antichrists, evil people, and nonbelievers must be purged or expelled, while those relegated to group B are to be given a chance to repent, and may be redeemed.

Relevant Words of God:

There are some people in the church who have been assigned to Group B. This is to give them an opportunity to repent. If they can engage in some self-reflection and come to know themselves, and if they are reaching for the truth and have a repentant mindset, are no longer up to no good as they were in the past, are not causing disruption and disturbances, and can restrain themselves a bit; if they can do as they are told and submit, behave well, do whatever little bit they can, and can uphold these principles, then they will no longer be placed in Group B and can be admitted back into Group A to fulfill their duties. Why were most of them transferred to Group B? (For causing disruption and disturbances.) What, then, is the source of their disruption and disturbances? Is it that they deliberately plan to cause disruption and disturbances? No—primarily, it is that they do not practice the truth in the slightest, nor do they pursue the truth. Their humanity is extremely vile, and in the process of fulfilling their duties, they often cause disruption and disturbances to and destroy the work of God’s house, which leads to consequences and results in deleterious influences; leaving no choice but to allocate them to Group B. This is the reason. Although they do not know the meaning of duty, at the very least, they know, deep down, that one should fulfill one’s duty—and they are willing to do so. However, does willingness to fulfill one’s duty mean one is practicing the truth? Your will is not truth reality; you can only be said to have a heartfelt willingness to practice the truth. Before you have put the truth into practice, you might say how confident you are, that you are ready and willing, or that you can sacrifice your life and would cross a torrent and tread through fire without hesitation—but all of these are but slogans, and they are useless. You must act in accordance with the truth principle, with your will as your foundation. You might say, “I don’t like the truth very much, and my disposition hasn’t really changed as I’ve been fulfilling my duty. I also haven’t pursued the truth. However, there is one thing I have held fast to: Whatever you have me do, I’ll do; I won’t cause disruption or disturbances. I can’t bring myself to submit, but I will do as I am told.” You therefore can remain in Group A, can you not? However, they cannot even meet this most minimum of requirements, and they cause disturbances. Such people should not stay in Group A. Any reasonable person with a conscience would treat this sort of person with an attitude of abandonment.

—“What Is the Adequate Performance of Duty?” in Records of Talks of Christ of the Last Days

Sermon and Fellowship Excerpts for Reference:

Every church contains different kinds of people: There are those who love and can accept the truth, and those who do not love the truth, who detest it; there are those who gladly perform their duty, and those who do not perform their duty at all; there are those whose understanding of God’s words is pure and who are of good caliber, and there are those whose understanding of God’s words is ludicrous, and who have no caliber; there are those of good humanity who are relatively virtuous and decent, and there are those of poor humanity who are crooked, deceitful, and do not attend to their proper business; there are those who truly believe in God and hunger and thirst for righteousness, and there are those who harbor the intention to receive blessings, who worm their way into the church just to play around; there are those who truly pursue the truth and obey the work of God, and there are those who detest and abhor the truth, who set themselves against God at every turn. Such real circumstances are common to every church. If these different types of people were to hold assembly and lead the life of the church together, church life would likely descend into chaos; nothing good could come of it. To ensure that all who truly believe in God and love the truth can enjoy a normal church life, and can normally eat and drink the words of God, ponder the words of God, fellowship about the words of God, and achieve understanding of the truth and entry into reality, the house of God has ruled that assembly must be split into A and B groups. This will ensure that church life can continue normally and have concrete effects, and that God’s chosen ones can set foot on the right track of faith in God as soon as possible and be saved and perfected. Evidently, it is entirely necessary for assembly to be split into A and B groups.

It is clear to all of God’s chosen ones that the work of God only saves those who truly believe in God, love the truth, and are possessed of humanity; this is fact. Thus, in each church only some people can be saved. Those who have no love for the truth, and do not perform their duty willingly, meanwhile, will absolutely not be saved. As such, it would not be suitable for these two types of people to be placed together during assembly. Because they walk different paths, and lack any common language, there is bound to be friction and conflicts between them, which would affect church life and is of no benefit to anyone; only if these two kinds of people are split into A and B groups will they have no impact on each other. These are facts that no one can deny. The chief principles and criteria for separation into A and B groups are defined below:

1. All who have believed in God for several years but do not know how to properly eat and drink the words of God, who have never sought or fellowshiped about the truth, who do not have the slightest interest in the truth, who do not understand the truth no matter how it is fellowshiped about, who possess no powers of comprehension and often cause interruptions and disturbances, who join in with the wicked in kicking up a fuss—they must be separated into Group B.

2. All who have never been willing to perform their duty, and are not obedient even when they do, who commit all manner of wanton acts, and frequently cause problems for the church, and cause more loss than their contribution is worth—they must be separated into Group B.

3. All who are of poor humanity, are especially crooked, deceitful, selfish, and ignoble, who do not open up to anyone, who fraternize with the wicked, who like fighting with others, who bully those who are guileless—these are the wicked, the horses that spoil the whole heard, and they must be separated into Group B.

4. All who are especially arrogant and conceited, who have no sense and do not listen to anyone, who do not accept, at all, the truth, much less dealing and pruning, who are even impervious to reason, who constantly have notions about the work of God’s house, who harbor hostility toward the man used by the Holy Spirit and can pass judgment on him, and who are of the same kind as antichrists—these people must be expelled directly without delay. Those who are not readily identifiable must be placed in Group B; once it is known for sure, they will be expelled.

All who exhibit the above four manifestations must be put in Group B. Additionally, false leaders and false workers who do not pursue the truth at all, and stubbornly walk the path of the antichrists, must be placed in Group B. All who were arrested and turned Judas, or who have stolen offerings and not repented, must also be placed in Group B during the consultation period prior to official handling. These are the express administrative decrees and arrangements of the house of God, and their violation by any individual is forbidden.

As the gospel of the kingdom spreads, there is a constant influx of newcomers to the church, some of whom are bound to be unsuitable for Group A. These people should undergo a period of observation before they are allocated to a group based on what is manifested in them. Those who are of poor humanity and have no love for the truth, whose understanding of God’s words is ludicrous, and who cause interruptions and disturbances in the church, must be placed in Group B and given a chance to repent. This is not only beneficial to the work of the church, but also to its members. Without a doubt, most people in Group B cannot be saved, which is chiefly because they do not love the truth, do not pursue the truth at all, and are all of poor humanity and incapable of getting along with others. There is, however, a minority among them who may awake in the future and begin pursuing the truth, and are capable of preparing some good deeds; these people still have a chance of salvation.

—Work Arrangements

All false leaders and false workers who commit every manner of wicked deed and cause serious turmoil to the work of the church—who, though they may seem to admit their faults and be remorseful, their true repentance cannot be confirmed—must be placed in Group B. False leaders and false workers whose multifarious evildoings and disturbances in the church’s work have led to their replacement should also be placed in Group B. Provided that they do not exhibit any overtly evil behavior, much less rouse people’s great wrath, leaders and workers who were replaced or resigned because they were without the work of the Holy Spirit and were incapable of doing real work, and who were of relatively good humanity, should be placed in Group A during assembly; this is fair and reasonable. All who are of poor humanity and often cause disturbances in the life of the church, who spread fallacies, negativity, notions, and rumors, who are apt to cause incidents and join in with troublemaking—they must be placed in Group B. People who are in potential danger due to being informed upon, or are under observation, including other special cases, must, for security reasons assemble alone, or with others in similar circumstances (while remaining in Group A). It is hoped that people will understand that this is for the benefit of the church. If, after one or two years of assembly, people in Group B truly repent, and are able to fellowship truth reality, they can be admitted into Group A. During elections, people in Group B can only take part in the selection of the team leader and gospel-spreading leader of Group B. They are not entitled to be entered into the vote to become church leaders and deacons. Any further disturbance or unjustified troublemaking by Group B members will lead to their expulsion. Group A and Group B must not hold assembly together. It is a recognized fact that were they to do so, God’s chosen ones would never be at peace, nor would church life be positive. For people with uncommon issues who are not readily identifiable, their group placement should be based on whether they are of good humanity and whether they love the truth. If it is not evident whether there is the work of evil spirits in them or they are possessed by demons, they must not be expelled, but only placed in Group B until observation makes this clear.

—Work Arrangements

Every church must be split into A and B groups, and this should be implemented by all churches. The separation must be based on the principles ruled by the work arrangements. If people in Group B truly repent, are capable of actively performing their duty without complaint, and can obey the work of God, they may be readmitted into Group A. If people in Group A often cause disturbances in the life of the church and cause trouble without justification, they may be allocated to Group B at any time—but this must be approved by over half the members of the church. The work of separation into A and B groups must be determined by fellowship between the church leaders and deacons before being approved by the church. All people with serious or singular problems must, where said problems are not immediately clear and the essence of the problem has not been determined, be placed in Group B. Regardless of whether their humanity is good or bad, all who have been elected as church leaders and deacons or who perform a special duty must be placed in Group A.

—Work Arrangements

Previous: 68. The Principles of Cultivating and Utilizing People

Next: 70. The Principles of Receiving People Into a Church

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