English Christian Song | "Defeat Satan With the Truth to Be Gained by God"

November 25, 2022

During God’s abiding provision and support,

He tells man all of His will and requirements.

He shows His deeds and disposition, what He has and what He is to man.

The goal is to equip man with stature,

to help him gain all truths while following God.

These truths are weapons God gives to man,

weapons for the battle with Satan.

When equipped man must face God’s tests.

God has many means for testing man,

but every one of them needs “assistance” from Satan, the enemy of God.

Whether or not man can be saved

depends on if he can defeat Satan;

whether or not man can gain his freedom

depends on if he can use the weapons

to overcome the bondage of Satan,

so it gives up hope and leaves him alone.

Oh, oh, oh.

After giving man the weapons to fight,

God hands man over to Satan.

He allows it to test man’s stature

to see if man can break free from its trap.

If he can escape its siege and still live,

then man will have surely passed the test.

But if man fails to succeed in this

and submits to Satan, he will have failed.

No matter what God examines in man,

the standard for His test is to see

if man stands firm in his testimony

when he is attacked by Satan,

and if he’s forsaken God and surrendered

while he is ensnared by Satan.

Whether or not man can be saved

depends on if he can defeat Satan;

whether or not man can gain his freedom

depends on if he can use the weapons

to overcome the bondage of Satan,

so it gives up hope and leaves him alone.

If Satan gives up hope and lets someone go,

this means it won’t take this person from God,

it will never again accuse, interfere,

it will never torture or attack him.

Only such a person will have been gained by God.

This is the process that God gains people.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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