English Christian Song | "The Most Important Thing Believers in God Should Gain"

December 26, 2022

God has bestowed His life on humans freely,

so that it can become their own life.

This is a gift God gives that’s truly priceless.

Yet in bestowing this gift, He gains nothing.

Humankind reaps the greatest gains.

They’re the greatest beneficiaries.

The only way you can save your own life

is by accepting the life that comes from God.

If you obtain this life, it will be boundless.

If you obtain it, it will be eternal.

When you compare the benefit of this life

with the promises man imagines God will grant,

with the good fortune that they desire,

which one does humanity most need?

You should ask yourself which is more important:

to truly live out the life that God gives you,

or your desire for blessings? Which is it?

What’s the most important thing that you should gain?

What allows you to come before God to truly worship Him in such a way

that He won’t detest, abandon, or punish you?

What can allow you to live forever?

The only way you can save your own life

is by accepting the life that comes from God.

If you obtain this life, it will be boundless.

If you obtain it, it will be eternal.

Without the life that comes from God, you will surely die.

Without it, man’s life is finite, not eternal.

You can only obtain eternal life from God,

and no desire for blessings can replace that.

Can your desire for blessings save you from dying?

The only way you can save your own life

is by accepting the life that comes from God.

If you obtain this life, it will be boundless.

If you obtain it, it will be eternal.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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