English Christian Song | "The Inside Story of God's Three Stages of Work" | Gospel Song

March 14, 2023

In the three stages of God’s work,

the first stage was done by the Spirit and not by the flesh,

and the final work of all three stages

is by the incarnate God, not the Spirit.

The middle stage of the work of redemption

was also done by God in the flesh.

What’s most important in the management work

is man’s salvation from Satan’s influence.

The key work is the full conquest of corrupt man,

thus restoring man’s reverence of God in his heart,

allowing him to achieve a normal life.

This work is key, core to management work.

There is meaning and a basis to each and every stage of God’s work.

They are not groundless imaginings,

nor are they carried out randomly.

There is a certain wisdom in them.

It’s the truth behind all of God’s work.

Two stages of His work are done by God in flesh,

as they’re so crucial to His management work.

Without these stages all work would’ve stopped.

The work of saving man would be empty talk.

Whether or not this work is important

is based on man’s needs and depravity,

and on how disobedient Satan has been,

and Satan’s disturbance of the work.

The right one who is up to the task

is selected by the nature of one’s working

and by the importance of the work.

There is meaning and a basis to each and every stage of God’s work.

They are not groundless imaginings,

nor are they carried out randomly.

There is a certain wisdom in them.

It’s the truth behind all of God’s work.

Whether it’s the Spirit’s or God incarnate’s work,

each one does contain the plans of His work.

He never, ever works groundlessly.

He never, ever does meaningless work.

When the Spirit works directly, it’s with His goals.

When He’s man, it’s even more with His purpose.

Why else would He change His identity freely?

Why else be one who’s lowly, persecuted?

There is meaning and a basis to each and every stage of God’s work.

They are not groundless imaginings,

nor are they carried out randomly.

There is a certain wisdom in them.

It’s the truth behind all of God’s work.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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