English Christian Song | "God Is Leading People Onto the Right Track of Life"

June 2, 2020


Today, each one of you knows that God is leading people,

leads them on to the right track of life.

He is leading man to take the next step into another age,

leaving this old dark era.

He leads people out of the flesh,

away from the yoke of dark forces and satanic influence,

so each and every person lives in a world of freedom.

For the sake of a beautiful tomorrow,

so that people may be bolder in their steps,

the Spirit of God plans everything for man.

And so that man may have greater enjoyment,

God devotes all of His efforts in the flesh

to preparing the path that’s ahead of man,

speeding the coming of the day for which man longs.



Would that you all cherish this, such a beautiful moment.

To come together with God is hard.

Though you have never known Him,

you have already been together

with Him for a long, long time.

If only all could remember

these beautiful, fleeting days, remember them forever,

so they never forget them, and make them their treasure on earth.

For the sake of a beautiful tomorrow,

so that people may be bolder in their steps,

the Spirit of God plans everything for man.

And so that man may have greater enjoyment,

God devotes all of His efforts in the flesh

to preparing the path that’s ahead of man,

speeding the coming of the day for which man longs.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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