English Christian Song | "Lose the Chance and You Will Regret It Forever"

September 26, 2021

Eat and drink God’s words, practice praying,

accept God’s burden and all He’s entrusted.

All these things are for the path in front of you.

The more burdened for God’s commission,

the more you’ll be perfected.

Some may be unwilling to serve God when called.

These are lazy people who only love comfort.

Now is the time to be perfected by God.

If you don’t take this chance, you’ll regret it always,

like Moses who couldn’t enter the land of Canaan,

full of regrets until his dying day.

The more you’re asked to serve,

the more experience you’ll gain.

The greater your burden, the more you’ll be perfected.

If you serve sincerely, you’ll be mindful of God’s burden,

you’ll have more chances to be perfected.

The more the Holy Spirit moves you,

the more you’ll care for God’s burden,

the more you’ll be perfected and gained by God.

In the end, you will be able to become a person who can be used by Him.

Now is the time to be perfected by God.

If you don’t take this chance, you’ll regret it always,

like Moses who couldn’t enter the land of Canaan,

full of regrets until his dying day.

You should be mindful of God’s burden today.

Don’t wait until His righteousness is revealed to all people.

Then it’ll be too late, you’ll be filled with regret.

Even if God does not chastise you,

you’ll do it to yourself.

If you don’t earnestly seek to be perfected by God,

once God is finished working, it will be too late.

No matter how strong your will, how much effort you make,

if God is no longer working, you’ll never be perfected.

Now is the time to be perfected by God.

If you don’t take this chance, you’ll regret it always,

like Moses who couldn’t enter the land of Canaan,

full of regrets until his dying day.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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