Christian Devotional Song | "God Perfects Those With the Work of the Holy Spirit"

May 14, 2020


Conditions are getting better for a portion of people.

The more the Spirit works, the more they rest in confidence.

The more they experience, the more they can feel

the profound mystery of the work of God.

God performs His work for man to gain the truth.

Your pursuit of life is for the sake of His perfection,

so that one day you will be fit for the use of God.



The deeper they go, the more they understand,

enlightened and unshaken, feeling God’s great love.

They have gained the knowledge of the work of God.

These are the people in whom the Holy Spirit works.

God performs His work for man to gain the truth.

Your pursuit of life is for the sake of His perfection,

so that one day you will be fit for the use of God.



Bearing witness for God and satisfying His will

relies on man’s drive to pursue His word.

Bearing witness for God and satisfying His will

relies on man’s drive to pursue His word.

God performs His work for man to gain the truth.

Your pursuit of life is for the sake of His perfection.

God performs His work for man to gain the truth.

Your pursuit of life is for the sake of His perfection,

so that one day you will be fit for the use of God.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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