English Christian Song | "Truth Is the Highest of All Life's Aphorisms"

May 31, 2020

Verse 1

Truth is the most real of life’s aphorisms,

and the highest one among all humanity.

It’s called life’s aphorism because it’s what,

because it’s what God asks of man

and is work done by Him personally,

God asks of man and is work done by Him personally.



It’s not a saying summed up from something,

nor a famous quote from someone great, someone great.

But it’s an utterance to mankind from

the Master of all things on earth and in heaven.


Verse 2

It’s not some words summed up by mankind,

but the inherent life of God, God Himself.

It’s thus the highest of all life’s aphorisms.

To practice the truth is to fulfill one’s duty,

and satisfy what God requires, God requires.



It’s not a saying summed up from something,

nor a famous quote from someone great, someone great.

But it’s an utterance to mankind from

the Master of all things on earth and in heaven.



The essence of this requirement

is in fact the most real of all truths,

and not some empty doctrine unachievable.



It’s not a saying summed up from something,

nor a famous quote from someone great, someone great.

But it’s an utterance to mankind from

the Master of all things on earth and in heaven.

It’s not a saying summed up from something,

nor a famous quote from someone great, someone great.

But it’s an utterance to mankind from

the Master of all things on earth and in heaven.


from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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