A Guidebook for Faith

135 articles

What Comes With Pursuing Fame and Gain?

By Su Wen, China When I was little, my family was often looked down upon because I didn’t have many siblings. At that time, my parents would often sa…

A Teacher’s Choice

By Mo Wen, China As the sun set in the west, at the time of dusk, the door of a small farmhouse was open, with a white cloth tied to the doorknob, an…

Farewell to the Days of Chasing Money

By Zheng Yi, China I was born into a poor family, where my guileless and hardworking parents supported our family through farming. As a child, I saw …

Does Money Really Bring Happiness?

By Michael, New Zealand When I was eight years old, my family experienced an unforeseen incident. From then on, my mother and I were dependent on eac…

I Found a Truly Happy Life

By Elizabeth, Russia I was brought up in an ordinary rural family. Although we were by no means well-off, I was still very happy. My mother had a che…

My High Expectations Harmed My Son

By Xiaoxiu, China When I was young, there were five siblings in the house, and I was the eldest. My father worked away from home for many years, and …

High-Pressure Education Harmed My Daughter

By Niuniu, China My parents got divorced when I was quite young. My older sister and I lived with my dad, and our life was really tough. Our family w…

Emerging From the Shadow of Mother’s Passing

By Cheng Xin, China In 2012, I was arrested by the police for doing my duty and sentenced to five years in prison. At the time, my mother was already…

How to Treat Parental Kindness

By Jian Xi, China When I was young, I had a weak constitution and often fell ill. Sometimes, my parents would rush me to the clinic in the middle of …

A Government Official’s Choice

By Xin Zheng, China My dad broke the law and he was arrested before I was born. That kind of thing was really shameful in the Chinese countryside in t…

What Should We Pursue in Life?

By Song Zihan, China My health wasn’t great as a child and much of our family’s money generally went to my healthcare, so my dad didn’t really like me…

My Choice for My Remaining Years

By Xiao Yong, China As a child, my family was quite poor and we would often be bullied by other villagers. I would always feel awful when I saw my mo…

How I Let Go of a Secure Job

By Lizhi, Japan I was born in a poor and backward rural family. Even as a child, my father demanded that I study hard, so that in the future, I could…

I’m So Worn Out by Life—What Can I Do?

Dear Li Rui, How are you doing? I remember something I asked you about before—society feels so competitive these days and life feels so exhausting,…

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