
  • kingdom bible, Gospel book

    The Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume 1 The Appearance and Work of God

    Almighty God, Christ of the last days, who has appeared to do His work, expresses all truths that purify and save mankind, and all of them are included in The Word Appears in the Flesh. This has fulfilled what is written in the Bible: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (Jhn 1:1). As for The Word Appears in the Flesh, this is the first time since the creation of the world that God has addressed all mankind. These utterances form the first text expressed by God among mankind in which He exposes people, guides them, judges them, and speaks heart-to-heart to them and so, too, are they the first utterances in which God lets people know His footsteps, the place in which He lies, God’s disposition, what God has and is, God’s thoughts, and His concern for mankind. It can be said that these are the first utterances that God has spoken to mankind from the third heaven since the creation, and the first time that God has used His inherent identity to appear and express the voice of His heart to mankind amid words.  The Word Appears in the Flesh (abbreviated as The Word), expressed by Christ of the Last Days, Almighty God, currently consists of six volumes: Volume 1, The Appearance and Work of God; Volume 2, On Knowing God; Volume 3, The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days; Volume 4, Exposing Antichrists; Volume 5, The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers; and Volume 6, On the Pursuit of the Truth.
  • Gospel book

    The Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume 2 On Knowing God

    On Knowing God, the second volume of The Word Appears in the Flesh, contains the utterances for all humanity of Christ of the last days, Almighty God, succeeding those in The Appearance and Work of God. God expounds on such various truths as the work He has done since creating the world, His will and His expectations of humanity contained therein, and the outpouring of all God has and is from His work, as well as His righteousness, His authority, His holiness, and the fact that He is the source of life for all things. Having read this book, those who truly believe in God will be able to confirm that He who can do this work and pour forth these dispositions is the One who is sovereign over all things, and they can also truly know of God’s identity, His status, and His essence, thereby confirming that Christ of the last days, Almighty God, is God Himself, the unique.
  • The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days

    The Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume 3 The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days

    The Discourses of Christ of the Last Days is the third volume of The Word Appears in the Flesh expressed by Almighty God. The first part of the book is comprised of sermons and fellowship given in congregation by Almighty God, the second part contains Almighty God’s discourses with leaders and workers, and the third part is made up of Almighty God’s fellowship with a portion of His chosen people. These sermons and fellowship address problems existing in the church, as well as practical difficulties with the life entry of God’s chosen ones. They not only point out people’s essences and current situations, but also illuminate for people the goals they should pursue. They are extremely beneficial for people’s understanding of the truth and attainment of life entry.
  • The Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume 4 Exposing Antichrists

    Exposing Antichrists is the fourth volume in The Word Appears in the Flesh. This book is a specialized series of sermons and fellowships given by Almighty God, Christ of the last days, among the churches. God thoroughly exposes every manifestation of the dispositions of antichrists, making them perfectly clear to people and significantly helping them discern the nature essence of antichrists. The dispositions of antichrists are satanic dispositions, shared by corrupt mankind. To be saved by God, one must accept the judgment of God’s words before they can be purified. These antichrist-exposing truths serve as a warning, prompt, revelation, and judgment, which are extremely beneficial toward understanding the truth, knowing oneself, and obtaining purification. Only by discerning antichrists can one avoid being deceived by others, stop idolizing and following other people, and instead achieve the result of following, obeying, and worshiping God.
  • The Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume 5 The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers

    The Responsibilities of Leaders and Workers is the fifth volume of The Word Appears in the Flesh. This book contains the sermons and fellowships of Almighty God, Christ of the last days, to the churches on this topic. God has fellowshipped clearly about the responsibilities of leaders and workers, as well as the specific principles and paths of practice for various items of church work. He has also exposed the essence of the various manifestations and actions of false leaders. This is extremely helpful for people in learning to discern false leaders, to do real work, and to achieve submission to God and be fit for His use. It is greatly beneficial for people to understand the truth, to know themselves, and to perform their duties according to principles.
  • Gospel book

    The Word Appears in the Flesh, Volume 6 On the Pursuit of the Truth I

    On the Pursuit of the Truth is the sixth volume of The Word Appears in the Flesh. This book contains the specialized fellowship and preaching of Almighty God, Christ of the last days, to the churches. These sermons and fellowship clearly and transparently explain what it means to pursue the truth, and what the significance of pursuing the truth is, revealing man’s various misconceptions and warped understandings about the pursuit of the truth, as well as man’s different erroneous thoughts and views, and negative emotions, while also analyzing and discerning them. In addition, these sermons and fellowship indicate to man the paths for pursuing the truth and entering into reality. These truths are of critical importance for people pursuing the truth to achieve salvation.
  • Utterances of Christ of the Last Days (Selections)

    Judgment Begins With the House of God

    The selections in this book are all words expressed by Almighty God for His work of judgment in the last days, taken mainly from The Word Appears in the Flesh, Vol. 1, The Appearance and Work of God. They are truths that every person who seeks and investigates God’s work in the last days is in urgent need of gaining. God’s expressions herein are what the Holy Spirit says to the churches as prophesied in the Book of Revelation. These current words of God are the best testimony to His appearance and work, as well as the best testimony to the fact that Christ is the truth, the way, and the life. This book is meant to enable all those who yearn for God’s appearance to hear His voice as soon as possible. We hope that all who await the Lord’s coming and look forward to God’s appearance and work will be able to read this book.
  • Classic Words From Almighty God, Christ of the Last Days

    Essential Words From Almighty God, Christ of the Last Days

    This book contains excerpts from the essential words expressed by Almighty God, Christ of the last days, in The Word Appears in the Flesh. These essential words directly elucidate the truth, and can directly enable people to understand God’s will, come to know His work, and gain knowledge of His disposition and what He has and is. They are a guide for all those who long for the appearance of God by which to seek His footprints. They can lead you to find the entrance to the kingdom of heaven.  
  • Daily Words of God

    This book features selected passages from The Word Appears in the Flesh. In order that God’s chosen ones can gain the truth and daily provisions for life from His words, these essential words of Almighty God, which are most edifying to people’s entry into life, have here been specially selected for people’s enjoyment, thus allowing those who love the truth to understand it, to live before God, and to be saved and made perfect by God. These essential words of God are expressions of the truth; furthermore, they are the most essential of life’s maxims, and no words are more edifying and beneficial to people. If you are truly able to enjoy one passage of these words each day, then this is your greatest fortune, and you are blessed by God.  
  • Truth Realities That Believers in God Must Enter Into

    Almighty God, Christ of the last days, has expressed all of the truths which can save mankind. These truths are crucial when it comes to people attaining salvation. However, many people feel that God has spoken too many words—they don’t know where to begin reading them or which truths it is imperative to enter into. To enable God’s chosen people to lay down foundations as soon as possible, and to enter onto the right track for belief in God and salvation, God’s house has compiled this book, for use in the church life and for God’s chosen people in eating and drinking His words. This book is divided into five main parts. The first part is on truths about visions, there are 10 items contained within it, including the mystery of the incarnation, the inside story of the three stages of His work, the mystery of God’s judgment work in the last days, and so on. The second part is about truths related to resolving various religious notions, and there are 22 items within it. The third is about truths pertaining to resolving various corrupt dispositions, and there are 32 items contained within it. The fourth is on truths related to discerning nonbelievers, evil people, false leaders, and antichrists, there are 12 items contained within it. The fifth part is about truths pertaining to the pursuit of salvation and being made perfect, and there are 46 items contained in it. It can be said that the truths that these five parts encompass are the fundamental truths that believers in God must understand. If God’s chosen people frequently eat, drink, fellowship, and ponder on these truths, they will be able to gradually come to understand the truth, enter into reality, and attain God’s salvation. If they then, on this basis, seek to enter into all the truths that God has demanded, they will be able to gain the truth and eternal life.
  • Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

    Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

    This book of hymns is divided into two main parts: The first includes hymns of God’s words, which are made up of essential utterances from Almighty God, and the second includes hymns of church life, which are actual testimonies of God’s chosen ones given after undergoing His judgment and hardships and tribulations while following Him. These hymns are of great benefit to people in practicing their spiritual devotions, drawing closer to God, pondering His words, and understanding the truth. They are even more beneficial to people experiencing God’s words and entering the reality of God’s words.  
  • Guidelines for Spreading the Kingdom Gospel

    This book gathers together the questions and notions common to people who seek and investigate the true way, to which it provides solutions that integrate the words of Almighty God. These questions and answers are of great benefit to people in understanding the truth and investigating the true way, and are also an indispensable reference for God’s chosen people as they spread His words and testify to His work. God’s sheep hear His voice, and if, having read this book, they are able to discover the truth and recognize that the words of Almighty God are the voice of God, then they are the wise virgins who have welcomed the Lord.
  • Selections of the Records of the Three Stages of God’s Work

    Selections of the Records of the Three Stages of God’s Work

    Would you like to understand God’s work? Would you like to follow God’s footsteps and be raised up before God’s throne? This book has selected the essential parts of the records of each stage of God’s work and uncovers the mystery of God’s three stages of work to save mankind, so that people can understand more clearly God’s management plan to save mankind and also what God has and is. This book is a path to understanding God’s work and knowing God.
  • God’s Sheep Hear the Voice of God (New Believer Essentials)

    God’s Sheep Hear the Voice of God

    This book is a compilation of such visionary truths as the three stages of God’s work, His names, the mystery of His incarnation, and how to distinguish between the true way and false ways. It can be read and equipped by those who have only recently accepted God’s work of the last days, so that they may understand the visionary truths of God’s work and lay foundations as quickly as possible upon the true way.  
  • Listen to the Voice of God, Behold the Appearance of God

    Listen to the Voice of God    Behold the Appearance of God

    Wise virgins will recognize God’s voice and see His appearance from His utterances, and welcome the Lord’s return. This book is a collection of truths related to God’s incarnation and to His three stages of work of salvation. These truths bear witness to the appearance and the work of Almighty God, Christ of the last days: Almighty God is the Lord Jesus returned, and He has expressed the truth and is doing the work of “judgment beginning at the house of God” in the last days, thus leading mankind to turn back toward God’s throne.  
  • Classic Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom (Selections)

    Essential Questions and Answers on the Gospel of the Kingdom

    This book draws excerpts from movie scripts of key questions and answers that touch upon the truth. These essential answers comprise God’s chosen ones’ experiences and understanding of the truth of His words, and come from the enlightenment and illumination of the Holy Spirit. Not only can this book resolve any issues and notions that those who seek the truth and investigate the true way may hold, but it is also a wonderful reference material with which God’s chosen ones can equip themselves with the truth and bear witness to God’s work.
  • Testimonies of Experiences Before the Judgment Seat of Christ

    Experiential Testimonies Before the Judgment Seat of Christ (Volume 1)

    Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth, carries out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and supplies people with all the truths needed for them to be purified and saved. God’s chosen people have heard the voice of God, been brought before God’s throne, attended the feast of the Lamb, and commenced life with God face-to-face as the people of God in the Age of Kingdom. They have received the watering, shepherding, revelation, and judgment of God’s words, gained a new understanding of God’s work, seen the true fact of their being corrupted by Satan, experienced genuine repentance, and begun to focus on practicing the truth and undergoing a change in disposition, producing various testimonies about the purification of corruption through experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement. The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has made a group of overcomers who, through their personal experiences, bear witness that the judgment of the great white throne in the last days has already begun!
  • Testimonies of Experiences Before the Judgment Seat of Christ

    Experiential Testimonies Before the Judgment Seat of Christ (Volume 2)

    Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth, carries out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and supplies people with all the truths needed for them to be purified and saved. God’s chosen people have heard the voice of God, been brought before God’s throne, attended the feast of the Lamb, and commenced life with God face-to-face as the people of God in the Age of Kingdom. They have received the watering, shepherding, revelation, and judgment of God’s words, gained a new understanding of God’s work, seen the true fact of their being corrupted by Satan, experienced genuine repentance, and begun to focus on practicing the truth and undergoing a change in disposition, producing various testimonies about the purification of corruption through experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement. The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has made a group of overcomers who, through their personal experiences, bear witness that the judgment of the great white throne in the last days has already begun!
  • Experiential Testimonies Before the Judgment Seat of Christ (Volume 3)

    Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth, carries out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and supplies people with all the truths needed for them to be purified and saved. God’s chosen people have heard the voice of God, been brought before God’s throne, attended the feast of the Lamb, and commenced life with God face-to-face as the people of God in the Age of Kingdom. They have received the watering, shepherding, revelation, and judgment of God’s words, gained a new understanding of God’s work, seen the true fact of their being corrupted by Satan, experienced genuine repentance, and begun to focus on practicing the truth and undergoing a change in disposition, producing various testimonies about the purification of corruption through experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement. The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has made a group of overcomers who, through their personal experiences, bear witness that the judgment of the great white throne in the last days has already begun!
  • Experiential Testimonies Before the Judgment Seat of Christ (Volume 5)

    Almighty God, Christ of the last days, expresses the truth, carries out the work of judgment beginning from the house of God, and supplies people with all the truths needed for them to be purified and saved. God’s chosen people have heard the voice of God, been brought before God’s throne, attended the feast of the Lamb, and commenced life with God face-to-face as the people of God in the Age of Kingdom. They have received the watering, shepherding, revelation, and judgment of God’s words, gained a new understanding of God’s work, seen the true fact of their being corrupted by Satan, experienced genuine repentance, and begun to focus on practicing the truth and undergoing a change in disposition, producing various testimonies about the purification of corruption through experiencing God’s judgment and chastisement. The judgment work of Almighty God in the last days has made a group of overcomers who, through their personal experiences, bear witness that the judgment of the great white throne in the last days has already begun!
  • believes in God, Testimonies, How I Turned Back to God

    How I Turned Back to Almighty God

    Each person who believes in God has a special story about the personal journey of turning back toward Him. This book shares actual experiences of God’s chosen ones in receiving guidance from Almighty God’s words, becoming certain about the true way, and returning before His throne. Some broke free from the shackles and strictures of their religious notions, some escaped disruption and persecution by the antichrists’ forces in religious circles and the evil forces of the Chinese Communist Party, and still others gained discernment with regard to the world’s evil trends. Ultimately, they all returned before God.  
  • Classic Examples of Punishment for Resisting Almighty God

    Typical Examples of Punishment for Resisting Almighty God

    This book is a collection of typical examples of people from various religions and denominations who were punished and cursed by God due to having resisted Almighty God’s work of the last days and attempted to thwart His will from being carried out. From these examples, we see that God’s righteous disposition does not allow offense from anyone, and that God will punish and curse all who commit evil and resist Him. It is hoped that everyone can learn lessons and gain enlightenment from them.  

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