710 Only Obeying God’s Work Brings Dispositional Change

Verse 1

If you’re able to follow

the Holy Spirit’s current words

and experience God’s work,

then your disposition can change.

If you follow and seek

what the Holy Spirit says,

you are one who obeys Him;

there will be a change in you.


Men change with the Spirit’s new words.

If you cling to the past, you cannot change.

You must follow the Spirit’s guidance,

obey whatever God says.


People cannot change their own disposition.

They must be judged and chastised,

refined and pruned by God’s words.

Only then can they achieve

obedience and faithfulness to God,

not going through the motions or fooling Him.

Verse 2

Through refinement of God’s words,

people’s dispositions change.

Being revealed and judged by God’s words,

they rash no more but become composed.

Most importantly, they submit

to God’s current words and work,

putting man’s notions aside,

and willingly submitting.


People cannot change their own disposition.

They must be judged and chastised,

refined and pruned by God’s words.

Only then can they achieve

obedience and faithfulness to God,

not going through the motions or fooling Him.


Before, changing meant forsaking oneself,

the discipline and suffering of flesh,

leaving behind fleshly preferences;

it’s one kind of change in disposition.

Today, all know that obeying

the current words of God

and knowing His new work

is the real marker of change.

Man’s old notions of God can then be erased

to truly know and obey God.

Only this is a true expression

of a change in disposition.


People cannot change their own disposition.

They must be judged and chastised,

refined and pruned by God’s words.

Only then can they achieve

obedience and faithfulness to God,

not going through the motions or fooling Him.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. People Whose Dispositions Have Changed Are Those Who Have Entered Into the Reality of God’s Words

Previous: 709 Pursue the Truth to Obtain Dispositional Changes

Next: 711 Good Behavior Does Not Equal Dispositional Change

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