491 Knowledge Is No Substitute for Reality

Verse 1

Why have most people spent so much work

reading God’s words,

yet have only knowledge and no real path?

Do you think having knowledge is having truth?

You speak much knowledge,

but none of it has any real path.


Who are you fooling?


The higher the theory and the less real it is,

the less it can bring people reality;

the higher the theory, the more it makes you

oppose and defy God.

The loftiest theories are not precious treasures;

don’t treat them that way, for they’re harmful and pointless.

Verse 2

People might talk of the highest theories,

but there’s nothing real,

for they have no true experience,

therefore they have no path to practice.

This kind of person can take no one else

onto the right track.


They just lead them astray.


The higher the theory and the less real it is,

the less it can bring people reality;

the higher the theory, the more it makes you

oppose and defy God.

The loftiest theories are not precious treasures;

don’t treat them that way, for they’re harmful and pointless.


If you can’t solve people’s present woes

and allow them to gain entry,

then you don’t have dedication,

unworthy to work for God.

Don’t speak fancy words all the time,

and don’t use unfit methods

to make people obey you.

This won’t do a thing but make them confused.

It will create rules, and people will hate you.


This is man’s defect, and it’s shameful.

So talk of real problems.

Don’t treat what others undergo as your own

and then display it so you can show off.

Search for a way out that’s yours alone.

It’s what each of you should put into practice.

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Focus More on Reality

Previous: 490 Make Effort in Your Practice of God’s Word

Next: 492 God’s Advice to Man

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