141 Pining for Almighty God

1 Oh God, oh God! We pine for You. You become flesh, the Son of man, and walk among the churches. Your words water and sustain us; You lead and support us at just the right time. We savor Your words every day, living before You, and our hearts are at ease and at peace. Oh God, oh God! Our beloved Almighty God. The judgment and revelations of Your words allow us to know ourselves, escape Satan’s harm, and embark on the right path in life. The grace of Your salvation cannot be forgotten—it’s etched into our hearts. We pine for You!

2 Oh God, oh God! We pine for You. Your utterances, words, and work are among us every day. Your words remind and exhort us, and judge us harshly and reveal us. We’ve seen our corruption is too deep. We are so remorseful and ashamed beyond measure, and our reverence for You grows. Oh God, oh God! Our beloved Almighty God. You’ve said every word possible and worked Your heart out so that we may grow in our lives. You judge and cleanse us so that we may be saved and gain all of Your love. This is our blessing, and our hearts grow more attached to You.

3 Oh God, oh God! We pine for You. You’ve been with us always amid the CCP’s persecution. Your words guide us at just the right time. We are no longer timid or afraid. With Your words to guide and support us, we stand tall and strong amid our suffering. We bear witness to You and glorify You. Oh God, oh God! Our beloved Almighty God. Your words guide us to defeat Satan the enemy. In tribulations and trials, we feel Your love, and our hearts grow closer to You. We see Your holiness and righteousness, Your almightiness and wisdom. We will praise You forever.

4 Oh God, oh God! We pine for You. You’ve worked for many years, living alongside and with us. It was full of laughter and cheer, and left such beautiful memories. We cannot forget Your genuine love, and we fell in love with You long ago. We’ve resolved to be faithful to You forever. Oh God, oh God! Our beloved Almighty God. We bear in mind Your exhortations, practice Your words, and devotedly fulfill our duties to bear witness to You and glorify You. On earth, we will obey and worship You forever. We will always be closely intertwined with You, and can never part from You.

Previous: 140 Oh God, I Miss You

Next: 142 We Will Always Keep God’s Love in Our Mind

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