72. The Principles of Church Purges

(1) All manner of evil people, absurd people, half-wits, and rotten apples, as attested to by the majority, must be purged;

(2) Muddled people of very poor caliber, who cannot understand the truth in the least or who are up to no good in the church, must be purged;

(3) Any people who engage in crookedness and deceit, who sow discord, who form factions, or who plot and conspire to disrupt church life must be purged;

(4) Any people who frequently judge and level accusations against leaders and workers, whose baseless charges are meant purely to incite and provoke, must be purged;

(5) If someone is to be purged, the church must have adequate reason for it, it must accord with work arrangements, and a majority of members must concur.

Relevant Words of God:

God saves those who can come to life, who can see God’s salvation, who can be loyal to God and who are willing to seek God. He saves those who believe in God’s incarnation and in His appearance. Some people can come to life, and some people cannot; this depends on whether their nature can be saved or not. Many people have heard a lot of God’s words yet do not understand God’s will, and are still incapable of putting them into practice. Such people are incapable of living out any truth and also deliberately interfere with God’s work. They are incapable of doing any work for God, they cannot devote anything to Him, and they also secretly spend the church’s money and eat in the house of God for free. These people are dead and they will not be saved. God saves all those who are amid His work, but there is a portion of people who cannot receive His salvation; only a small number can receive His salvation. This is because most people have been corrupted too deeply and have become the dead, and they are beyond salvation; they have been totally exploited by Satan, and they are too malicious in their nature.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Are You Someone Who Has Come to Life?

When man has been conquered by God’s words to the extent they have been today, people’s strength reaches a certain point, so God subsequently utters more words of warning—the constitution He issues forth to the people of God: “Although the human beings that populate the earth are as numerous as the stars, I know them all as clearly as the palm of My own hand. And, though the human beings that ‘love’ Me are also as innumerable as grains of sand in the sea, only a few are chosen by Me: only those who pursue the bright light, who are apart from those who ‘love’ Me.” Indeed, there are many who say they love God, but there are few who love Him in their hearts. It would seem that this could be clearly discerned even with closed eyes. This is how the entire world of those who believe in God actually is. In this, we see that God has now turned to the work of “sorting people out,” which shows that what God wants, and what satisfies God, is not the church of today, but the kingdom after the sorting. At this moment, He gives a further warning to all the “dangerous goods”: Unless God does not act, as soon as God begins to act, these people shall be wiped from the kingdom. God never does things perfunctorily. He acts always according to the principle of “one is one and two is two,” and, if there are those He does not wish to look upon, He does everything possible to wipe them away, to stop them from causing trouble in the future. This is called “taking out the trash and thoroughly cleaning.”

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Interpretations of the Mysteries of God’s Words to the Entire Universe, Chapter 12

Today, I rise up and chastise all sorts of evil spirits that defy Me. Regardless of how long they have followed Me, they must leave My side. I do not want anyone who is against Me (they are those who lack spiritual understanding, those who have been temporarily possessed by evil spirits, and those who do not know Me). I do not want a single one of them! All will be removed and become sons of perdition! After doing service for Me today, they must all leave! Do not loiter in My house; stop your constant shameless freeloading! Those who belong to Satan are all sons of the devil, and will perish forever.

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Utterances of Christ in the Beginning, Chapter 109

Those among brothers and sisters who are always giving vent to their negativity are lackeys of Satan, and they disturb the church. Such people must one day be expelled and eliminated. In their belief in God, if people do not have a heart of reverence for God, if they do not have a heart of obedience toward God, then not only will they be unable to do any work for Him, but on the contrary will become those who disturb His work and who defy Him. Believing in God but not obeying or revering Him, and instead resisting Him, is the greatest disgrace for a believer. If believers are just as casual and unrestrained in their speech and conduct as unbelievers are, then they are even more evil than unbelievers; they are archetypal demons. Those who give vent to their poisonous, malicious talk within the church, who spread rumors, foment disharmony, and form cliques among the brothers and sisters—they should have been expelled from the church. Yet because now is a different era of God’s work, these people are restricted, for they face certain elimination. All who have been corrupted by Satan have corrupt dispositions. Some have nothing more than corrupt dispositions, while others are different: Not only do they have corrupt satanic dispositions, but their nature is also extremely malicious. Not only do their words and actions reveal their corrupt, satanic dispositions; these people are, moreover, the genuine devil Satan. Their behavior interrupts and disturbs God’s work, it impairs the brothers’ and sisters’ entry into life, and it damages the normal life of the church. Sooner or later, these wolves in sheep’s clothing must be cleared out; an unsparing attitude, an attitude of rejection, should be adopted toward these lackeys of Satan. Only this is standing on the side of God, and those who fail to do so are wallowing in the mire with Satan. People who genuinely believe in God always have Him in their hearts, and they always carry within them a God-revering heart, a God-loving heart. Those who believe in God should do things cautiously and prudently, and all that they do should be in accordance with God’s requirements and able to satisfy His heart. They should not be headstrong, doing whatever they please; that does not befit saintly propriety. People must not run amok, waving the flag of God all over the place while swaggering and swindling everywhere; this is the most rebellious sort of conduct. Families have their rules, and nations have their laws—and isn’t it even more so in the house of God? Aren’t the standards even stricter? Aren’t there even more administrative decrees? People are free to do what they want, but the administrative decrees of God cannot be altered at will. God is a God who does not tolerate offense from humans; He is a God who puts people to death. Do people really not know this already?

—The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. A Warning to Those Who Do Not Practice the Truth

When God saves people, what—regardless of the magnitude of their rebelliousness, or the depth of their corrupt disposition—is the baseline that God gives them? Which is to say, under what circumstances would God forsake you, and no longer want you? What is the minimum you must attain for God to want you, to keep you? Number one is not denying God. This is basic. There is real content to not denying God; it is not merely acknowledging the Old Man in the Sky, and acknowledging that God has become flesh, and is Almighty God. This is God’s baseline for man: Number one is not denying the name of God, acknowledging God, believing in God, and following God; number two is, at the very least, not forsaking the duty of man. Some people don’t appear to have forsaken their duty, yet their actions have already caused interruptions and disturbances, damaged the work of God’s house, and impacted other people. Can they still remain? They have violated God’s baseline. And so, the baseline for performing one’s duty is to not interrupt or disturb. The antichrists, too, do their duty—but their actions are meddlesome, disruptive, harmful, and wicked. Could God want such people? Is this the performance of their duty? To God, they have violated the baseline, they are incapable of performing their duty properly, their performance of their duty is more trouble than it’s worth, and they must be removed from the church. Is this the principle for how the house of God treats people? Does anyone say, “Have I been purged because I was in the wrong state, and was always negative?” or “All I did was to occasionally not perform my duty properly, I was only a little careless and perfunctory—how could you suspend me from performing my duty?” or “I didn’t perform my duty very well, so I was purged” or “Sometimes I had bad thoughts, evil thoughts, and I, too, was purged”? Are there such people? (No.) In some, there occasionally appear notions of unbelief: “Is there really a God? Wind, rain, thunder, snow—are these all made by that Old Man in the Sky? Has God become flesh? It is wrong to think thus, I must perform my duty properly.” Discovering this, some people say, “This person is always doubting God. Purge them—don’t let them perform a duty.” Are there those who are purged in this way? (No.) So by what principle does the house of God purge people? Which people are purged, and suspended from their duties? (Those whose service is more trouble than it’s worth, who cause interruptions and disturbances.) Such people should not perform a duty. This is not because of someone’s opinion about them, nor does it stem from trying to keep them in check due to a personal grievance. It is because their performance of their duty is substandard, and too deficient; they are simply incapable of performing their duty.

—“The Principles of Practice Concerning Submission to God” in Records of Talks of Christ of the Last Days

Some people are lazy and irresponsible no matter what duty they perform. Sometimes they even secretly do bad things. When they perform their duty poorly, they find excuses, saying the duty isn’t right for them, it’s not their forte, they lack the expertise. In fact, everyone can see that this is not the reason they perform the duty badly. So how should such people be handled? Would it be allowed if they asked to go somewhere else to perform their duty? (No.) Such people must be dismissed, pure and simple. They are not suited to performing a duty, they do not have the right attitude. When asked to perform a duty, some people scratch their heads and feel resistant; in their hearts, they are utterly unwilling, and they do so begrudgingly, as if they are swallowing a humiliation. They think, “I’ll first keep a low profile here, I’ll muddle through for a few years, and who knows where I’ll end up.” Once you have the measure of people who make such plans, do not allow them to perform a duty. And if they want to do so somewhere else, don’t let them. In such situations, you must strong-arm them. Why? Because you have seen through to their essence. Everyone has shared that this person is not fit to perform a duty in God’s house; they are an unbeliever, and so they must be cleared out. If they are not, are they to be allowed to remain here, to interfere and scrounge each meal? Absolutely not. Such situations must be handled according to the principles for how to treat those who perform a duty in the church. Even if the person doesn’t want to, they still have to go. Is this forcing things on people? It is not. This is protecting the interests and work of the house of God, it is clearing out the scroungers.

—The Word, Vol. 4. Exposing Antichrists. They Behave in Strange and Mysterious Ways, They Are Arbitrary and Dictatorial, They Never Fellowship With Others, and They Force Others to Obey Them

There is a sort of person who can treat anyone with love, helpfulness, and tolerance, yet with God alone, they are irreconcilable, and they are His sworn enemy. When they encounter something that touches on the truth, that touches on what God says and requires, they are not merely unable to accept it, creating difficulties and casting doubt on it at every turn, and spreading notions, but they also do many things that are detrimental to the work of God’s house, such that, when something touches on their own interests, they are even capable of rising up and raising an outcry against God. What sort of person is this? (One who hates God.) Hatred of God is an aspect of the nature of all people, and all have this essence; yet, in some people, it is not so severe. Why, then, does this sort of person hate God so much? They are God’s enemy; they are devils—to speak plainly, they are living demons! Are there such living demons among the people whom God saves? (No.) Therefore, if you accurately identify some in the church as living demons of this sort, you must purge them from the place immediately. If a person behaves quite well in general but has only a momentary lapse in their state, or if their stature is too small to understand the truth, and they cause a minor interruption or disturbance, yet this behavior is not consistent, and they are not such a person by nature, then they may be retained. There are some who are strong in one regard, despite their somewhat poor humanity: They are willing to render service and are even ready to suffer; it is just that they tolerate no offense and will pit themselves against anyone who offends them, but when not being offended, they are quite normal. They also have not profited at anyone else’s expense. Such people may also be retained, and, though it may not be said that they will necessarily be saved, they may at least render service, and whether they can serve unto the end depends on their personal pursuit. Yet, if such a person is a living demon and an enemy of God, they can never be saved. This is a certainty, and they must be purged from the church. Some are purged to give them a chance to repent, to teach them a lesson; others are purged because their natures have been seen for what they are, and they cannot be saved. Everyone is different. Some who have been purged, despite their depressed and dark state, have not let go of their duty, and continue to perform it—they are not of a state with people who do not do their duty at all, and the paths they take are not the same.

—“The Attitude Man Should Have Toward God” in Records of Talks of Christ of the Last Days

How the house of God handles various types of people: Some are purged from the ranks of those who perform a duty; some are demoted from a full-time church to a part-time church; some are demoted from a part-time church to an ordinary church; some are reduced from these various kinds of churches to Group B; and some are simply expelled. Time and time again, the house of God arranges for the work of cleaning church; so, too, are there specific work arrangements for the various types of people who meet the criteria for being cleansed away. Based on people’s attitudes toward performing their duty, and their transgressions while performing their duty, as well as the humanity and dispositions that these various types of people exhibit, the house of God ends up creating case-by-case policies for handling them; the house of God has work arrangements for all of this. The work arrangements are communicated both textually and through fellowship. In sum, this work is ongoing, and not intermittent. It is not the case that the Above issues a work arrangement, the church spends a while doing cleanup work and then, once it is over—and if the Above has given no further orders to this effect—the church does nothing the next time someone who needs to be cleansed away is identified. That is not the case. The church’s cleanup work must be ongoing and orderly. Where purging is necessary and appropriate, it must be carried out according to work arrangements; do not passively await instructions from the Above or orders from senior leaders, and do not passively wait for it to be reported by more brothers and sisters. Once reports come in from a portion of brothers and sisters, or if a discovery has already been made by the leader themselves, or else if the supervisors of the church fellowship with each other and reach a consensus, and most of the brothers and sisters write an evaluation saying a person should be purged, they should be immediately purged. This is work arrangements’ specific provision for such work. And to what end is the cleanup work carried out? In order to cleanse the church, so that the work environment of those who perform a duty in the house of God is peaceful, and free from interference by the wicked; so, too, is it because the house of God does not support loafers and idle layabouts. The type of person who is incapable of performing their duty normally in the house of God, who always needs someone to watch and regulate them, who is unfit to perform a duty—they, too, should be cleansed away. Such work should be a simple, stand-alone job, one that leaders and workers should take responsibility for, and thus one that leaders and workers should implement and complete.

—The Word, Vol. 5. Identifying False Leaders (9)

Previous: 71. The Principles of Isolating People in a Church

Next: 73. The Principles of Expulsion From the Church

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