339 To Whom Are You Loyal?

Verse 1

If God was to place riches before you,

asking you to freely choose from all He gave you,

and saying that He would not condemn you,

most would choose riches and would forsake the truth.

The better ones would give up the riches

and they would reluctantly choose the truth.

Those in between would choose both truth and riches.

Thus, wouldn’t your true colors now shine through?

Verse 2

You will always make such a choice

between the truth and anything you’re loyal to,

and your attitude will remain the same.

Haven’t many wavered between right, wrong too?

In battles between good, bad and black, white,

you are surely aware of your choices

between family, God; kids, God; peace, trouble;

rich, poor; great, common; supported, rejected.


If you were asked to choose again,

what would be your position?

Would it still be the old one?

Would you still give God pain, disappointment?

Would your hearts still have that little warmth?

Would you still not know how God’s heart can be consoled?

Verse 3

Swiftly chose a peaceful not broken family,

chose riches not duty without turning back,

chose luxury not poverty, family not God,

chose to have notion over having truth.

Faced with all manners of your evil deeds,

God has literally lost all faith in you.

He is absolutely astounded that

your hearts just do not want to be softened.

Verse 4

So many years of God’s dedication,

so many years of all God’s many efforts

have only brought God such resignation,

and have shown Him your despair of Him.

Yet His hopes for you grow more every day,

for His day’s already laid out before all,

but you still seek, hold onto dark, evil things.

Have you thought ’bout what your outcome will be?


If you were asked to choose again,

what would be your position?

Would it still be the old one?

Would you still give God pain, disappointment?

Would your hearts still have that little warmth?

Would you still not know how God’s heart can be consoled?

Adapted from The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. To Whom Are You Loyal?

Previous: 338 Where Are Your Expressions of Loyalty to God?

Next: 340 The Work God Does on You Is So Valuable

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