English Christian Song | "Where Are Your Expressions of Loyalty to God?"

April 29, 2022

You have followed God for all these years

without one iota of loyalty.

Instead, you’ve revolved around the people that you love

and all the things that please you.

You always keep them close to your hearts,

and you have never once abandoned them.

When you become eager or passionate

about any one thing that you love,

it happens while you are following God,

or even while you’re listening to His words.

Therefore, God says you are using the loyalty He asks of you

to instead be loyal to and cherish your “pets.”

You sacrifice a thing or two for God, but that is not your all.

It doesn’t show your true loyalty is with Him.

God and His words are always being pushed back

behind the things that you are passionate about.

And you have no choice but to rank them last.

There are even those who save this last place

for things they’re loyal to that they have yet to discover.

Never has there been a slightest trace of God in their hearts.

You involve yourselves in undertakings

about which you are truly passionate.

Some people are loyal to sons and daughters,

others to husbands, wives, work, and riches,

or superiors, status, or women.

Toward all those things you’re loyal to,

you never feel weary, never annoyed.

Rather you grow more eager to have these things,

to have them in even greater numbers

and higher quality, never giving up.

Therefore, God says you are using the loyalty He asks of you

to instead be loyal to and cherish your “pets.”

You sacrifice a thing or two for God, but that is not your all.

It doesn’t show your true loyalty is with Him.

God and His words are always being pushed back

behind the things that you are passionate about.

And you have no choice but to rank them last.

There are even those who save this last place

for things they’re loyal to that they have yet to discover.

Never has there been a slightest trace of God in their hearts.

from Follow the Lamb and Sing New Songs

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